Sunday 2 June 2013


"Listen to your doctor!"
The doctors on this week's show are all about cancer and preventative health care. Imagine, if you listened to your doctor how easy your life would be. I know that is a bit simplistic. But let us think through this. Stop smoking. I know it is not easy but there is no evidence that that smoking actually improves your health in any way. What about exercising more? I know it is not easy to do, but if everyone exercised 30minutes daily as recommended what kind of world would be be living in?

Okay let us talk about something harder. What about eating less meat and more vegetables? What about sleeping 7-8 hours per night? I am not going to go through all the evidence or find logical counter arguments for your excuses, just accept the advice and work toward it. These are well studied evidence based advice that will make a world of difference in everyone's life. How about getting your cancer screening tests done? Do the poop test. It's gross but it will save your life. Get your mammogram and pap test. Once again not a Kodak moment but necessary. We could go on and on. Go to the dentist regularly. Find balance in your life. Laugh more. Less salt. Wear sunscreen. Need I go on?

"Doctors are working hard to improve your health. Why are you working so hard to... It is not always about pills, surgeries, chemotherapy. Sometimes it requires good old fashioned COMMON SENSE and COMPLIANCE."
 Dr. Robin Boushey is a scientist, a surgeon, a director of research, international consultant in bowel cancer, a patient choice award winner, and a good friend. He came to our studio in between calls for abdominal trauma. He shared his vision for dealing with the exceptionally high burden of colon cancer in Ottawa. He has broken down the silos between primary care doctors, surgeons, cancer care, and community nursing. They meet regularly for best practices.

Dr. Lee Donohue is a family doctor, a primary care tour de force, past president of the Academy of Medicine Ottawa, cancer lead for our LHIN, and physician leader. She was filled with excitement and ideas to improve primary care cancer preventative strategy in Ottawa and environs. She has always been thoughtful and comprehensive in her deliberations.

Dr. David Esdaile is a family doctor, trained in medical acupuncture, public activist and past president of Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada. He has fought the battle valiantly for lowering smoking rates in Canada. And big tobacco has fought back. He has vim and vigour. Faiza and I enjoyed his agility and alacrity.

You will understand why you should see your family doctor regularly. You will follow the advice of your family doctor and gain innumerable benefits. You are the master of your own destiny.

I look forward to bringing their stories to you.
Humbly, Dr. A squared

To be continued...

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